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Sewing Courses

Start stitching with our sewing short courses in Sydney!

Do you wish you knew how to craft your own unique garments, but can't get your head around a sewing machine? Have you been needing to mend those favourite jeans but hand-stitching has always been intimidating? Our sewing courses can teach you the skills and artistry you need to repair, create and customise your clothing.

We offer short courses and workshops led by experienced and enthusiastic teachers at our campus in Rozelle.

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  1. There's no block with the name: courses-promo

Start stitching with our sewing short courses in Sydney!

Do you wish you knew how to craft your own unique garments, but can't get your head around a sewing machine? Have you been needing to mend those favourite jeans but hand-stitching has always been intimidating? Our sewing courses can teach you the skills and artistry you need to repair, create and customise your clothing.

We offer short courses and workshops led by experienced and enthusiastic teachers at our campus in Rozelle.

Syntax error in "{block name:"courses-promo"}"
  1. There's no block with the name: courses-promo

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