Tech Savvy Seniors Courses - Sydney Community College
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Tech Savvy Seniors Courses

Learn to use technology with our Tech Savvy Seniors courses for over 60s in Sydney!

Do you need help navigating your brand new smartphone, tablet or computer devices? Perhaps you're struggling with the social media side of things or you would like to know how to email and video call like a pro? Our Tech Savvy Seniors courses will get you sorted with technology, from using the Internet and staying cyber safe to online shopping or banking and digital asset management.

We offer face-to-face courses led by patient and knowledgable tutors at our campus in Rozelle.

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Learn to use technology with our Tech Savvy Seniors courses for over 60s in Sydney!

Do you need help navigating your brand new smartphone, tablet or computer devices? Perhaps you're struggling with the social media side of things or you would like to know how to email and video call like a pro? Our Tech Savvy Seniors courses will get you sorted with technology, from using the Internet and staying cyber safe to online shopping or banking and digital asset management.

We offer face-to-face courses led by patient and knowledgable tutors at our campus in Rozelle.

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Tech Savvy Seniors: Introduction to Computers, Smartphones & Tablets I

Build your confidence using technology with our free Tech Savvy Seniors courses in Sydney! Tech Savvy Seniors is a structured, short and friendly series of courses designed for people 60 years and older that will help open the door to the world of digital technology.  Introduction to Computers, Smart Phones & Tablets course is presented in two parts. In an easy to follow way that helps make sense of the technology and what it offers, you’ll learn the basics of digital technology... [More]

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Tech Savvy Seniors: Introduction to Email

Learn to communicate using emails with our free Tech Savvy Seniors courses in Sydney! Email is one of the fundamental internet technologies, a tool used by nearly every person with an internet connection. It allows you to – at no cost – send a letter of unlimited length to one person or many people at once. It arrives almost instantly, and they can reply straight away. Setting up your own email account will allow you to communicate with people you know in ways you never thought... [More]

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Tech Savvy Seniors: Introduction to Understanding Online Safety, Online Shopping & Online Banking

Learn Cyber Safety, Online Shopping, and Online Banking with our free Tech Savvy Seniors courses in Sydney! This class covers the Telstra model Introduction to Cyber Safety, Online Shopping & Online Banking It’s one thing to go online to read the latest news or watch a video. It is quite another to do your banking and shopping. Just as traditional ways of transacting have benefits and risks, so too transacting online has many benefits and potential risks. These are easy to avoid... [More]

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Tech Savvy Seniors: Introduction to the Internet

Learn computer and digital skills with our free Tech Savvy Seniors courses in Sydney! For people who didn’t grow up with computers, the internet can seem like a scary place. There is a world of unfamiliar jargon and new ways of communicating to contend with, and sometimes it can seem overwhelming. The truth is, however, that the internet has become quite user-friendly in recent years, and anybody is capable of accessing millions of websites, sending emails, shopping and banking... [More]

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Tech Savvy Seniors: Introduction to Social Media

Learn how to use social media with our free Tech Savvy Seniors courses in Sydney! Social Media describes a very broad category of websites that let you connect to family, friends, loved ones, or interest groups anywhere in the world. Sites like Facebook and Twitter let you and others share what’s happening in your lives. Other sites like YouTube and Flickr allow you to share videos or photos privately or with a worldwide audience. Video conferencing platforms like Skype and Zoom... [More]

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Tech Savvy Seniors: Introduction to Video Calling

Learn how to use video calling platforms with our free Tech Savvy Seniors courses online & in Sydney! Video calling is an additional way to connect with friends and family as well as participate in activities, events, and appointments from a distance. The aim of this workshop is to teach complete beginners (60 years of age and above) with little or no experience in using technologies, how to use common video calling applications in a safe and appropriate way. The experienced tutor... [More]

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Tech Savvy Seniors: Managing Your Digital Assets

Learn to manage your digital assets with our free Tech Savvy Seniors courses in Sydney! Digital assets include all data and information that belongs to you or is about you which is stored on your phone, computer, or online at different websites such as banks and social media with which you have interacted. Digital assets can be very important and valuable. Your digital assets may include things such as: The documents and files saved on your computer and devices Your passwords to... [More]

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Tech Savvy Seniors: Introduction to Computers, Smartphones & Tablets II

Build your confidence using technology with our free Tech Savvy Seniors courses in Sydney! This Tech Savvy Seniors course in Sydney is a structured, short and friendly series of courses designed for people 60 years and older that will help open the door to the world of digital technology. Introduction to Computers, Smart Phones & Tablets course is presented in two parts. In an easy to follow way that helps make sense of the technology and what it offers, you’ll learn the basics of... [More]

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