Tech Savvy Seniors: Introduction to Computers, Smartphones & Tablets II Sydney Community College

Tech Savvy Seniors: Introduction to Computers, Smartphones & Tablets II


Build your confidence using technology with our free Tech Savvy Seniors courses in Sydney!

This Tech Savvy Seniors course in Sydney is a structured, short and friendly series of courses designed for people 60 years and older that will help open the door to the world of digital technology.

Introduction to Computers, Smart Phones & Tablets course is presented in two parts. In an easy to follow way that helps make sense of the technology and what it offers, you’ll learn the basics of digital technology and the many things a computer or device can do for you, for work and for play.

Part two of this introduction to computers course will be practical demonstrations and exercises of common useful functions such as using multiple windows, creating a document and saving it to a folder, converting it to PDF, sharing files, system settings for saving power or using other languages etc, common commands such as Undo, Copy, Paste, Print etc. Your specific needs can be addressed here, time permitting. The experienced tutor uses simple relatable language and you will perform simple exercises that will build your confidence. 

Learning outcomes

By the end of this session, participants should be able to understand & apply:

  • Using your mouse or touch screen for basic functions
  • Sizing different “windows”
  • Find and adjust basic settings
  • Open an application
  • Create, save, share a file or document
  • Copy and paste, find, select, rename files
  • Cloud computing & synchronising your computer, tablet or smart phones with each other or with another person

Intended audience

Who is this introduction to computers course for?

The Tech Seniors program is for seniors aged 60 years and above who have little or no experience in using technology.

Course venue

Rozelle Campus

2A Gordon Street, Rozelle NSW 2039 (corner of Gordon St & Victoria Rd in the grounds of St. Joseph's Church)

Course materials

What to bring to class

Our computer room has both Apple and Windows desktop computers. You are welcome to bring your own laptop, tablet or smart phone to use. You can connect to the internet through the College Wi-Fi. If you don’t know how, we will show you!

  • Notepad and pen
  • Details of passwords for your devices, email address and other login passwords, etc
  • A list of any specific questions you may have

Telstra modules covered

  • Introduction to Computers
  • Introduction to Tablets: Android
  • Introduction to Tablets: iPhone
  • Introduction to Smartphones

This free training is funded by the NSW Government and Telstra.

NSW Government

This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.

Course testimonials:

  • Richard said: I really enjoyed this course. Thanks Terry.

  • Florence said: Same with the previous evaluation.

  • Terrence said: I missed part 1 of introduction to computers, smartphones & tablets due to capacity of enrolments. I think I would have benefited more had I attended part 1. That said, part 2 was well structured & presented. It was very helpful. I don’t mind my comments being used for quality improvement &/or marketing, but do not give consent to my name being used. This applies to feedback for this & all subsequent module feedback I provide. Thank you