Latin Courses - Sydney Community College
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Latin Courses

Salve! Discover the timeless beauty of Latin with="" our language short courses in Sydney!

Whether you're drawn to its rich cultural heritage or its impact on modern languages, Latin offers a rewarding journey into the past and its enduring legacy today.

Led by skilled instructors, our lively language courses are textbook-oriented and take place online via Zoom.

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Salve! Discover the timeless beauty of Latin with="" our language short courses in Sydney!

Whether you're drawn to its rich cultural heritage or its impact on modern languages, Latin offers a rewarding journey into the past and its enduring legacy today.

Led by skilled instructors, our lively language courses are textbook-oriented and take place online via Zoom.

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Classical Latin: Beginners Level 2

Discover the language that shaped the foundation of Western civilisation with our Latin short courses in Sydney! Acquire the skills needed to read and appreciate such influential authors as Caesar, Cicero, and Virgil in their own language! Suitable for those who have completed our Introduction to Classical Latin course (or 20 hours of recent tuition), this online course will expand your knowledge of Latin grammar and vocabulary, while offering you a detailed and nuanced portrait of... [More]
$390 Limited inc GST / $312 / $331.50 / $351
Classical Latin: Beginners Level 2

<p>Discover the language that shaped the foundation of Western civilisation with our <a href="">Latin short courses</a> in Sydney!

$390 $332 Limited inc GST / $312 / $331.50 / $351
Classical Latin: Beginners Level 2

<p>Discover the language that shaped the foundation of Western civilisation with our <a href="">Latin short courses</a> in Sydney!

$390 Limited inc GST / $312 / $331.50 / $351
Classical Latin: Beginners Level 2

<p>Discover the language that shaped the foundation of Western civilisation with our <a href="">Latin short courses</a> in Sydney!

$390 $332 Limited inc GST / $312 / $331.50 / $351
Classical Latin: Beginners Level 2

<p>Discover the language that shaped the foundation of Western civilisation with our <a href="">Latin short courses</a> in Sydney!


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Introduction to Classical Latin Course

Discover the language that shaped the foundation of Western civilisation with our Latin short courses in Sydney! Designed for beginners and enthusiasts alike, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to the influential language of Ancient Rome. Learning Latin offers numerous benefits, both practical and intellectual, making it a valuable pursuit for individuals of all interests and backgrounds. Latin remains a cornerstone of Western intellectual history, serving as the... [More]
$390 Limited inc GST / $312 / $331.50 / $351
Introduction to Classical Latin Course

<p>Discover the language that shaped the foundation of Western civilisation with our <a href="">Latin short courses</a> in Sydney!

$390 Limited inc GST / $312 / $331.50 / $351
Introduction to Classical Latin Course

<p>Discover the language that shaped the foundation of Western civilisation with our <a href="">Latin short courses</a> in Sydney!

$390 Limited inc GST / $312 / $331.50 / $351
Introduction to Classical Latin Course

<p>Discover the language that shaped the foundation of Western civilisation with our <a href="">Latin short courses</a> in Sydney!

$390 Limited inc GST / $312 / $331.50 / $351
Introduction to Classical Latin Course

<p>Discover the language that shaped the foundation of Western civilisation with our <a href="">Latin short courses</a> in Sydney!


Interested in courses like these? to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.

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Classical Latin Course: Beginners Taster Workshop

Learn to read Classical Latin with our Latin language short courses online! Salve! Ready to unlock and explore the language of Virgil, Caesar, Cicero, and Horace? Join our FREE online Classical Latin Course: Beginners Taster Workshop! You'll learn key phrases, develop knowledge and understanding of Ancient Roman culture, and meet your engaging tutor. Plus, at the end of the workshop, you’ll receive a 10% discount code for our full-length course, Introduction to Classical Latin.... [More]

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