Arabic Courses - Sydney Community College
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Arabic Courses

Ahlan! Learn to speak Arabic with our language short courses in Sydney!

Arabic is the common language of over 200 million people in 22 countries from Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Led by skilled instructors, our lively language courses are textbook-oriented and take place online via Zoom.

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Ahlan! Learn to speak Arabic with our language short courses in Sydney!

Arabic is the common language of over 200 million people in 22 countries from Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Led by skilled instructors, our lively language courses are textbook-oriented and take place online via Zoom.

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  1. There's no block with the name: courses-promo

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Arabic Course: Speaking & Listening (Level 1A)

Learn the Arabic language with our language short courses online & in Sydney. In this online Arabic language beginner's course, you will learn formal Arabic and spoken Arabic. This course focuses on basic speaking and listening skills which will equip you to speak Arabic confidently and correctly with Arabic speakers from around the world. We will cover the modern standard Arabic as well as different dialects in class, and practice how to pronounce Arabic words correctly. You will... [More]
$390 Limited GST free / $312 / $331.50 / $351
Arabic Course: Speaking & Listening (Level 1A)

<p>Learn the Arabic language with our <a href="">language short courses</a> online &amp; in Sydney.</p>

<p>In this online Arabic

This class will be held live online via Zoom!
$390 Limited GST free / $312 / $331.50 / $351
Arabic Course: Speaking & Listening (Level 1A)

<p>Learn the Arabic language with our <a href="">language short courses</a> online &amp; in Sydney.</p>

<p>In this online Arabic

This class will be held live online via Zoom!
$390 Limited GST free / $312 / $331.50 / $351
Arabic Course: Speaking & Listening (Level 1A)

<p>Learn the Arabic language with our <a href="">language short courses</a> online &amp; in Sydney.</p>

<p>In this online Arabic

This class will be held live online via Zoom!

Interested in courses like these? to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.


Arabic Course: Reading & Writing Course (Level 1B)

Learn how to listen, speak, read and write Arabic with our language short courses online & in Sydney. This online Arabic language beginner's course will build on your listening and speaking skills gained in our Arabic Course: Speaking and Listening (Level 1A) or similar. It is the perfect class to expand on your existing Arabic language skills, build on your vocabulary, and learn how to read and write the Arabic language. Our Level 1B course focuses on Arabic reading and writing.... [More]
$390 Limited GST free / $312 / $331.50 / $351
Arabic Course: Reading & Writing Course (Level 1B)

<p>Learn how to listen, speak, read and write Arabic with our <a href="">language short courses</a> online &amp; in Sydney.</p>


This course will be held online via the Zoom platform.

Interested in courses like these? to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.


Arabic Course: Beginners Taster Workshop

Learn to speak Arabic with our Arabic language short courses online! Ahlan! Ready to start your Arabic learning journey? Join our FREE online Arabic Course: Beginners Taster Workshop! You'll pick up essential phrases, confidently introduce yourself in Arabic, and connect with our passionate tutor. Plus, at the end of the workshop, you’ll receive a 10% discount code for our full-length course, Arabic Course: Speaking & Listening (Level 1A). Learning outcomes By the end of this... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.