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Course description

Become part of the sustainable fashion movement with our sewing courses in Sydney!

Recreating garments from discarded apparel, a practice known as upcycling, intertwines environmental stewardship with the art of fashion in a profoundly impactful way. This approach to reimagining wardrobe pieces serves as a vibrant testament to sustainability, reducing the ecological footprint by diverting textiles from landfills and diminishing the demand for new fabric production. Beyond its green credentials, upcycling is a gateway to unparalleled creativity and personal expression, offering individuals the chance to wear truly unique items that reflect their personal style. It's an economical choice as well, allowing for wardrobe updates without the financial strain of buying new.

Moreover, the act of transforming old into new cultivates a rich set of skills, from sewing to design, empowering creators with each stitch and cut. It's a quiet rebellion against the fast fashion industry, highlighting the possibilities within circular fashion principles and prompting a reconsideration of our consumption habits. Community ties are strengthened through shared up-cycling endeavours, fostering a collective consciousness towards more sustainable living. On a personal level, wearing up-cycled garments brings a deep sense of satisfaction, knowing that one's fashion choices are contributing to a larger movement of environmental care and creative resilience. In essence, up-cycling is not just about fashion—it's about crafting a more sustainable future, one garment at a time.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this Upcycling Sewing Course, you should be able to:

  • Identify potential in old garments for up-cycling and refashioning.
  • Apply basic sewing and alteration techniques to modify clothing.
  • Use creative design principles to reimagine your wardrobe.
  • Implement sustainable practices in clothing maintenance and creation.
  • Complete at least one personal upcycling project from start to finish.

Course content

What will be covered in this Upcycling Sewing Course?

Session 1: Introduction to Up-cycling and Refashioning

  • Overview of sustainable fashion
  • Assessing garments for up-cycling potential
  • Basic design principles for refashioning

Session 2: Basic Alterations and Repairs

  • Introduction to sewing machines and hand-sewing techniques
  • Simple alterations: hems, seams, and darts
  • Basic repairs: patching, darning, and securing loose threads

Session 3: Creative Design and Planning

  • Developing a design concept for your project
  • Sketching and planning your refashioning project
  • Selecting materials and preparing your garment

Session 4: Advanced Techniques in Up-cycling

  • Embellishment techniques: appliqué, embroidery, and beadwork
  • Dyeing and printing for fabric transformation
  • Creative cutting and restructuring garments

Session 5: Implementing Your Design

  • Working session to apply techniques to your project
  • Individual guidance and troubleshooting
  • Peer feedback and discussion

Session 6: Finishing Techniques and Presentation

  • Finishing touches: fastenings, hemlines, and polish
  • Finalising your up-cycling project
  • Sharing your work: presentation tips and photo session

Intended audience

Who is this Upcycling Sewing Course for?

This Upcycling Sewing Course is for anyone interested in sustainable fashion, from beginners to those with some sewing experience looking to explore creative garment transformation.

Course venue

Rozelle Campus

2A Gordon Street, Rozelle NSW 2039 (corner of Gordon Street & Victoria Road)

Course materials

Learning resources

All necessary materials and resources will be provided, along with a list of recommended tools and suppliers for further exploration.

What to bring to class

  • Any garments you wish to up-cycle or refashion
  • A notebook and pen for design ideas and notes
  • Basic sewing kit (if you have one)

This course has no current classes. Please join our waitlist and we will notify you when we have places available. Join Waitlist