Introduction to Woodwork: Woodturning Sydney Community College

Introduction to Woodwork: Woodturning


Learn basic woodturning skills with our woodwork short courses in Sydney!

If you want to learn and develop your woodturning skills, this course is for you!

In this woodturning course, you will learn the correct traditional skills and tools to learn how to turn between centres using faceplates, mount timber onto a chuck for turning, and turn that timber into different items.

While working on your projects, you will receive detailed instructions on using rough gouges, spindle gouges, skew chisels, and bowl gouges.

By the end of this course, you will have a fundamental understanding of woodturning and take home some beautiful projects.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this woodturning course, you should be able to:

  • Understand safety requirements for turning
  • Prepare a piece of timber for turning
  • Understand which chisel to use when and where
  • Mount timber on the lathe for between centre turning, chuck or faceplate turning
  • Have a basic understanding of sanding and finishing techniques on the lathe

Course content

What will be covered in this woodturning course?

1st project: Using the lathe and tools

  • Prepare timber, find centres and mount on the lathe between centres.
  • Round stock, V grooves, coves and beads with an explanation of the roughing gouge, skew chisel and spindle gouge.
  • Sand and finish (Wax stick)

2nd project: Candlestick

  • Prepare timber, find centres and mount between centres.
  • Turn tenon for chuck mounting
  • Mount in chuck and bring up live centre
  • Round stock and turn to the desired shape
  • Sand and finish

3rd project: Spinning top

  • Prepare timber, find centres and mount between centres.
  • Turn tenon for chuck mounting
  • Mount in chuck and bring up live centre
  • Round stock
  • Turn to point with spindle gouge moving tailstock with live centre away as you progress
  • Sand point
  • Turn the spindle (handle) with a spindle gouge. Note don't turn too thin until the end
  • Sand and decorate the spinning top
  • Part from stock using a parting tool
  • Finish

4th project: Bowl

  • Decide on the design of the bowl, dovetailed foot, internal foot or no foot
  • Prepare blank for mounting either via an 8mm hole and worm screw to chuck or via a faceplate
  • Mount to lathe and start off slow with either a roughing gouge or a bowl gouge to create the outside shape of the bowl, shape will also have to take foot into account
  • Sand external part of the bowl
  • Turn bowl and attach to lathe via chosen foot style
  • Drill small holes to give a depth guide to students
  • Turn inside of the bowl with a bowl gouge and clean up with a scraper if needed
  • Sand inside of the bowl and take the bowl off the lathe and finish with oil, unless you are having no foot
  • For no foot, turn the bowl back around and attach it to the lathe via Vicmarc Bowl Jaws
  • Turn off the spigot and sand ready for finishing

Intended audience

Who is this woodturning course for?

This course is aimed at people with little to no experience with woodwork looking for an introduction to the craft.

Course venue


12 Gerald Street, Marrickville NSW

This venue is within walking distance from Sydenham station (600m).

Requirements and Safety

  • You are encouraged to bring your own facemask, protective eyewear and ear protection however sanitised Personal Protective Equipment will be available.
  • You are required to wear closed-toe shoes.
  • Aprons will be provided but please wear clothing that can get dirty (e.g. sawdust or glue).
  • Long hair needs to be tied back and no loose hanging jewellery should be worn.
  • For your own safety, facilitator instructions regarding the correct use of tools and equipment must be followed at all times.
  • Any people thought to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be able to take part in the workshop.

Additional information

Please note the following:

  • Please be advised that classes held by Timberbits do not permit class credit, transfers, or refunds for any enrolments.
  • Meal breaks – Lunch will be from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. You will need to bring your own lunch. We have a fridge and freezer to store your food as well as a microwave and kettle if required.
  • Please ensure you will be able to attend all sessions of the course. If you miss one or more sessions, it will become quite difficult to catch up and learn the skills safely.
  • Please don't wear your best clothing
  • Please don't wear any jewellery
  • If you have long hair, please tie it back
  • Wear closed-in shoes

This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.

Course testimonials:

  • Nishat said: Already recommended it two of my friends and will purchase again as gift

  • Rajdeep said: All facilities and tutor was excelent. Will attend the next course.

  • Luisa said: A lot of hands on time. Attentive and knowledgeable tutors. A great sense of achievement at the end of it.