Python Coding Course for Beginners Sydney Community College

Python Coding Course for Beginners


Learn to code in Python with our coding & programming short courses in Sydney!

Python is one of the world's most widely used programming languages for general-purpose programming. Python has a design philosophy that emphasises code readability and a syntax that allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than might be used in languages such as C++ or Java.

This Python training course enables you to write clear programs on both a small and large scale. We aim to teach you the flexibility, speed, and machine learning functionality made capable by this valuable language and help you start to design your own code for testing. If you are looking for an inexpensive introduction to programming using one of the most popular programming languages then this Python course is for you!

Learning outcomes

By the end of this Python coding course, you should be able to:

  • Have a basic understanding of functional programming
  • Understand the basic concepts of object-oriented or imperative programming
  • Use Python to design and test their own lines of code
  • Use Python in interactive mode
  • Transfer any existing knowledge of other OO languages to Python

Course content

What will be covered in this Python coding course?

Session 1

  • Python introduces Itself
  • The atoms of Python: variables, expressions & statements
  • The elements of Python: functions
  • Decision making: conditionals & recursion

Session 2

  • Functions revisited
  • Loop control
  • Making characters work for you: strings
  • Python’s list capability

Session 3

  • Python’s approach to abstract data types

Session 4

  • Python’s approach to class development
  • Using Python objects

Session 5

  • Python’s other group of abstract data types

Session 6

  • Python project: A fully functional project is attempted

Intended audience

Who is this Python coding course for?

This course is for anyone looking for a quick and inexpensive introduction to coding.

Online Class

This class will be offered live online via Zoom.

Course materials

To participate in this class students will need access to a computer or laptop with internet access and will need to have Python software installed. Python is available for free download: Welcome to

What to bring to class (For in-person classes)

  • A notepad and pen

Additional Information

Please have your own laptop or computer with internet access and Python software installed (free download available here) for this online course.

$599 Limited GST free / $479.20 / $509.20 / $539.10
Python Coding Course for Beginners

<p>Learn to code in Python with our <a href="">coding &amp; programming short courses</a> in Sydney!</p>

<p>Python is one of

Please have your own laptop or computer with internet access and Python software installed (free download available here) for this online course.

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Course testimonials:

  • Aythan said: The teacher was very knowledgable and the course content was very straightforward and easy to follow. The teacher was very helpful towards the student who had no prior programming knowledge. This is 100% a course that I would recommend and I gained a lot of valuable knowledge from the extremely friendly and helpful teacher!

  • Jose said: Interactive learning in the classroom

  • Roland said: There was an informative and in-depth approach to teaching. The practicality of the course with all topics being covered in our booklets which we received during the course was great.