Piano Lessons for Beginners: Level 1 Sydney Community College

Piano Lessons for Beginners: Level 1


Learn to play the piano with our music and singing short courses in Sydney!

Located at our Rozelle campus in the heart of the Inner West.

In this Piano class for Beginners - Level 1 you will get those fingers going in a fun and pressure-free environment whilst learning to read music.

An accelerated course for adult beginners in piano skills, music notation, rhythm training, singing and music appreciation. All styles of music are experienced, from classical through to jazz and funk.

Assumes very little or no previous musical experience. Keyboards are provided with the latest in keyboard lab technology.

Learning outcomes

By the end of these piano lessons, you should be able to:

  • Play the keyboard at a beginners level
  • Read music at a beginners level
  • Understand rhythmic notation
  • Experience a variety of musical genres
  • Deepen your skills in Piano Lessons for Beginners: Level 2

Course content

What will be covered in these piano lessons?

Week 1

• Posture and hand position when sitting at the piano

• Orientation of the five-finger hand position

• Rhythmic notation and clapping

• Reading of notes in treble clef C Position

• Reading of notes in bass clef C Position

• The Grand Staff

Week 2

• Writing and playing 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th intervals

• C major chord

• Playing left hand accompaniment to right hand melody

Week 3

• Learning more notes in treble and bass clefs

• Tied notes

• C, G7 and F major chords for LH and RH

Week 4

• Time signature – 3/4

• Dotted minim

• Slurs and legato playing

• Learning more notes in treble and bass clefs

Week 5

• Playing and writing in G position

• Melodic and harmonic intervals in G position

• The sharp sign

Week 6

• Writing and playing the G major and D7 chords for LH and RH

• Block and broken chords

Week 7

• Middle C position

• Quaver notes

Week 8

• Quaver notes

• Dotted crotchet notes

Intended audience

Who are these piano lessons for?

These piano lessons are designed for beginners. No previous knowledge of piano playing is necessary for this class.

Course venue

Rozelle Campus

2A Gordon Street, Rozelle NSW 2039 (corner of Gordon St & Victoria Rd on the grounds of St. Joseph's Church)

Course materials

What to bring to class

  • A pen and notepad


Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course, Level 1: Adult All-In-One Course Lesson Theory Technic (Authors: Willard A. Palmer, Morton Manus and Amanda Vick Lethco, ISBN-10: 0-88284-931-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-88284-931-7)

The book can be bought at the following stores:


Online shops

Additional information

Please note the following:

  • Once you complete this piano course, you may want to deepen and add new skills in Piano Lessons for Beginners: Level 2. Enrol now in our Beginners and Level 2 course and save 10%. See our discounts page for more information.
  • A keyboard or piano for use at home is an advantage.
$419 Limited inc GST / $335.20 / $356.20 / $377.10
Piano Lessons for Beginners: Level 1

<p>Learn to play the piano with our <a href="https://www.sydneycommunitycollege.edu.au/courses/music">music and singing short courses</a> in Sydney!</p>

<p>Located at our Rozelle campus in the heart

Enrol early to avoid disappointment. All classes have limited spaces.
$419 Limited inc GST / $335.20 / $356.20 / $377.10
Piano Lessons for Beginners: Level 1

<p>Learn to play the piano with our <a href="https://www.sydneycommunitycollege.edu.au/courses/music">music and singing short courses</a> in Sydney!</p>

<p>Located at our Rozelle campus in the heart

Enrol early to avoid disappointment. All classes have limited spaces.
$419 Limited inc GST / $335.20 / $356.20 / $377.10
Piano Lessons for Beginners: Level 1

<p>Learn to play the piano with our <a href="https://www.sydneycommunitycollege.edu.au/courses/music">music and singing short courses</a> in Sydney!</p>

<p>Located at our Rozelle campus in the heart

Enrol early to avoid disappointment. All classes have limited spaces.
$419 Limited inc GST / $335.20 / $356.20 / $377.10
Piano Lessons for Beginners: Level 1

<p>Learn to play the piano with our <a href="https://www.sydneycommunitycollege.edu.au/courses/music">music and singing short courses</a> in Sydney!</p>

<p>Located at our Rozelle campus in the heart

Enrol early to avoid disappointment. All classes have limited spaces.

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Course testimonials:

  • Jacqueline said: Lucia Ko is a great tutor,. alot covered,..Loved it!

  • Hai-Van said: I really enjoy the course with Lucia and fellow students.

  • Junyi said: 5 Stars!