Learn the skills of creative night photography with our photography short course programming in Sydney
Join our captivating Night Photography Workshop in the heart of Sydney for an exciting exploration of creative possibilities after dark. This 3-hour course, set against the enchanting backdrop of Circular Quay, is designed to enhance your skills in capturing the mysteries of the night through the lens of your camera. Delve into the technical and compositional aspects that transform ordinary nighttime scenes into captivating works of art. Discover how your camera unveils the hidden beauty of the night and how to harness the magic of light in your shots. With a friendly and informative environment, we promise an enjoyable journey into the brilliant world of nocturnal photography.
Embark on this enchanting night photography journey with us at Circular Quay, Sydney, and uncover the secrets of capturing the captivating world that awakens after sunset. Join our workshop, and let's bring the night to life through your camera lens!
By the end of this night photography course, you should be able to:
- Master the art of utilising ambient and street lighting to create engaging and imaginative photos
- Gain proficiency in your camera's metering capabilities to assess low and night lighting conditions
- Harness the power of light dominance in low-light photography to produce stunning images
- Comprehend and employ essential composition principles in night photography, including proportion, perspective, and identifying focal points
- Explore technical techniques to capture mesmerising light trails and create captivating visual effects
- Acquire hands-on experience through practical photoshoots, refining your night photography skills
What will be covered in this night photography workshop?
After meeting at Circular Quay, using your DSLR or Mirrorless camera we will explore:
- Explore the fundamental camera controls relevant to night photography.
- Learn about noise reduction and mirror lock settings for optimising your nighttime shots.
Who is this night photography workshop for?
This is a creatively-driven night photography workshop, not one for the absolute beginner. Ideally, you will either have completed a basic camera course with the College, another institution or be a self-taught photographer with a couple of years of experience. You should have a good working knowledge of ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed and Light Metering.
Circular Quay
Sydney, NSW 2000
What to bring to class
There's no need for complicated gear. Today's cameras can create stunning images under city lights, even when handheld.
- Your DSLR or Mirrorless camera
- A tripod - this can come in very handy and can be a simple style as long as it will hold your camera
- Your camera manual for finding additional settings - this can be downloaded to your phone, check online or with your camera manufacturer
- Comfortable clothing - dress for weather conditions
- Camera's fully charged battery with a spare battery if needed