Richard Lynch
Richard is a product of career diversity across industry sectors of Photography, Botany, Horticulture, Teaching, Science, Landscape Design & Construction, Open Spaces Management, and Training and Assessment.
He has exhibited as a photographer in Fine Arts and Street photography. He has taught thousands of students over the past 10 years, and has been instrumental in the development of the photography program. His most recent qualifications – the Diploma of Photo Imaging and the recent Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, ensure a professional understanding of current developments in the industry.
Richard has a long history as a freelance contractor as well as extended experience in consultancy in the training and assessment industry, and is passionate about delivering quality in community learning with a relaxed style that is packed full of information, discussion, fun and entertainment.
Richard is currently studying towards the leading industry specialist course in Instructional Design, and doing a professional upgrade in the Diploma of Training Design and Development.